FUNimation What Request of the Heart Character Are You?

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91% (123 votes)
Original Anime and Manga Quizzes
original, request of the heart
32 members Favoritefavorite
AMYROSEANDSONIC Kazamas-Keyblade sakurasama95 jesdale Otakupop89 mimistar98 artypants1017 ShingetsuHime mewmewpudding RSRKingdomStars VampireGod afny blackwidowdragon Miracle Star19 Naomi Bear naruto4893 10SecondsToGo Diamond42 Tohrushino UltimateNejiFanG khismylife ischara sasu+saku DixieWings sasusaku 4ever degr8sid AnimeCrazed9 narutoKHfighter Angel

    To start things off, are you a boy or a girl?


    Tell me a little about yourself. What is your personality like?

    I am a tomboy. I'm also very unpredictable. I can be pissed in one second and then be acting like an innocent child the next.
    I am very quiet. I read a lot of books and stay in my room a lot but i still like playing with my friends.
    I'm very kind and I love going out and playing with my friends.
    I am quiet and barely speak. I don't think of my friends or my foster family anymore. It would only get in the way of me completing my mission
    I am very loyal to my sensei and sincere to those of higher status than me. I'm very kind and always try to do my best.
    I am protective and determined. I'll always stay by Rei's side.
    I am very playful!

    Alright then, what color is your hair?

    White,and by the way it's fur.

    Favorite color?

    Well...I don't really know.

    What do you enjoy doing the most?

    I love playing death tag with oneichan! Y'know, I'm always the oni, and the oni tries to kill the others isn't that fun?
    I like training under Sensei. Even though she can be harsh on me, I want to be strong.
    I love going out in the Disney Fields playing with the animals or going into the village and playing with the children!
    I mostly read books and I enjoy it greatly
    I love traveling.
    I can not enjoy anything. Having emotions for anything would get in the way of my mission.
    I love traveling through the universe exploring new worlds!

    So what is your eye color?


    Do you work for someone?

    I don't really work for him, but I respect King Mickey greatly and usually follow his orders.
    I am training under Rei so that I can join the Royal Guards of Disney Castle.
    I could care less about oraganization 13, but I have no where else to go so I guess I work under them.
    I am secretly part of ANBU Roots.
    I'm more there to help Rei out than work under her.

    So...what kind of language do you use?

    How does this apply to the test?
    People usually think I use very bad language but I think of it more as "overly expressive words".
    I barely talk, but when I do, it usually contains no emotion.
    I always speak kindly.
    I speak like an innocent child.
    I read more books than talk, but I usually talk in a quiet voice.

    Who is your best friend?

    My best friend is Roxas. He was the only person who was able to make me smile even though I threw away my feelings for anyone.
    I've spent most of my time with sensei, so I guess she's my best friend even though I know she doesn't think of me as a best friend.
    I told you before, I threw away all of my feelings for my friends.

    Any last thoughts?

    I wanna see my results!
    It was a very nice quiz!
    Hey, Hey! Do you want to play Death tag with my and Oneichan? ^-^ I'm the oni!!
    I must complete my mission. Please may I ask to let me see my result.
    I don't believe so. *opens book*
    OOOOOH! Results! I can't wait to see it!!

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